Visitors Welcome

You are welcome to come by this blog to read. I decided that the true value in what I think on things is to pass it on to my kids. These little people in my life are the ones I'm here to process for and pass on perspective to. Real thinking and convictions in life are not for the purpose of convincing others, or impressing them. If you enjoy coming by to read my thoughts to them, I welcome you. These post are being printed and gathered into a notebook for their keeping. This blog will allow followers for those who want to keep reading, but not comments. If you know me and are on my Facebook, feel free to express any thoughts there but this really is for them. I want my children to know what I believe as they decide for themselves through life, what it's all about.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Pitfall Of Positive Thinking Part 2

Dear Victoria, Emma, and Caedmon,

This is a follow up to my last letter to you.  I really don't like writing things in segments because I really loose my train of thought but this is important and I'm hoping I can pick it up again.

I left you with a question.  Which positive thinker get's the job?  Well the answer is pretty deep but comically spiral at the same time.  The joking answer is that the less positive person get's the job because the more positive person will have to be a strong enough thinker to handle the (shhhhh) negative answer.  Therefore, he or she is the stronger positive thinker because they will respond with more of a "well, then, that was not meant to happen and whatever happens will be better.  I want to say really quick, that many of the positive thinkers responses in life are not bad at all, and in fact, I support their outlook many times.  I'm just wanting you guys to get to the bottom of their thinking and ask yourselves two questions:

  1. What do these people put their trust in?  For truly we all put trust (or dare we,  DARE we, call it what it is...FAITH) in something or someone. 
  2. What do I therefore put MY trust in? 
The real answer, getting back to the question however, makes us have to ask another question.  IF positive thinking has power, if it truly has power in our lives, then how can two people not get what they want?  At this point it really does not matter if "destiny" had a better plan for them and this job was not really the best.  It does not matter how they positively respond to getting the job or not getting it, as this point in our logic I only ask you to think about if that thinking has power or not.  I say it does not.  The only power positive thinking has is the power to ....


SO, notice that there is a difference between the power to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN and the power to COPE WITH WHAT HAPPENS.   You guys really need to see that difference.  The reason is, that one is delusional and one accepts that we are not in control.  Something, or someone else is orchestrating our lives.  

I believe that many people truly think that positive thinking gives them the power to navigate their lives.  They put faith in THEMSELVES.  I will tell you how practically this is played out.  

After I wrote part 1 of this to you about a week ago, I went to work.  My boss, who is a very nice lady but definitely believes in the power of positive thought, presented me with the best illustrative material I could ask for.  I literally wanted to laugh and thank her for giving me such great material for you guys!  Of course, I had to respect her as I aught and remember that when one is deceived, he really truly has no idea he is or he would be otherwise...not deceived! 

I thanked her for putting up the outside light where I work.  I work late and cannot see out but people can see in.  It is nice to see who is standing outside looking in.  She says to me "Well, the way I think, and the way I choose to live my life, is that you don't think those things or those bad things will happen to you."  "Do you know who Natalie Woods is?"  
"The actress?" I reply.  "Yes."
"Do you know what she was most afraid of?"  
"Yes, drowning" I answer
"Do you know how she died?" 
"She drowned."  
I think she said something like "there you go" as her great crescendo/ finito moment.  I inside was seeing the absolute absurdity of this.  I will tell you here in a moment.  
As thoughts scurried through my head raising red flags left and right, jumping to logical conclusions, comparing to what the core of my faith is, I decided there was one simple thing I needed to say.  One very powerful crescendo of my own.  
"I believe in the sovereignty of God."  

She did not pick up from there and I did not expect her to. 

So, here my children are the facts: 

If this way of thinking is true, if we have this power, then we should be the most STRESSED OUT people on the planet!! We are quite frankly doomed!!  Dare you even THINK about what bad things may happen to us.  We had better become the most disciplined minds ever.  Oh, and think as well what we could change and do, and rule over with our positive thoughts!  If they have power, we could rule the world!  We could have whatever we wanted!  We could pick all good things to come to us.  If something bad happens, we should learn better than to think of it next time.  

Quite honestly, that stress level makes me sick in my stomach.  

Positive thinking will never change our lives.  It WILL work with helping us cope with our lives.  It will help us choose to respond well, but even in that it will wear out at times and fail to even hit us as we cope with life's hardships   
Worse than that, living a life of positive only thinking is the enemy's attempt to make you think there is no sin, no evil, no suffering.  He really wants you to be convinced of that.  There is no negative, the negative things are only there to help you grow and learn!  Therefore, they are not truly negative. 

Ah, the freedom of our Christian faith!!! I can say I had a shitty day and it's okay!  I can speak that things were rough, tough and horrid and they were!  I can say that I hope they get better and they may or may not!  I can not just be positive, I can have a real and genuine foundation for my positive thoughts, gratitude and trust in the sovereign God I worship.  

God wants us to recognize the struggle of this life.  When we see the bad clearly, we can realize better the cure, the balm, the salvation.  We do not have to fear tough times, we can say we are truly okay with them. Not because we know they will help us become stronger positive thinkers, but because we belong to the King of Kings who promises to make all things good!  That is not always realized here, some of it is, but I have to tell you, most of it is for eternity.  Your life is here is like one grain of rice compared to the storehouse of time in eternity.  

As a believer, if you choose to follow Christ in your lives, you should be beyond positive, you should be something deeper and real, you should be JOYFUL.  You should be bubbling with JOY that is not based on your circumstance but on your foundation of strength.  You can say something is bad, you can weep, and your heart can still have HOPE.  HOPE will show itself in you through JOY.  JOY does not have an expiration date like your positive outlook does.  

Don't look for life to get fixed all the time.  Positive thinkers of today push their smiling agenda on others and the hurting look at them as if they are the most annoying creatures on the earth at the time.  Why is that?  Because at the time of pain, huge pain the positive thinker coming along with their band-aid thinking looks like no help to the man who has lost his limbs.  What good does that band-aid do him?  It does not save him.    
He does not even want to hear it because his reality is truer than these delusions   

The positive thinker lives in fear, truly, down underneath all their band-aids.  You do not have to fear.  You know that good and bad happens.  You know that both have been allowed and will come your way.  You don't control them, you are not in control at all.  You are however....


You are responsible to remember in whom you have believed.  You are responsible to be full of gratitude and contentment.  You are responsible to let the hope that is in you shine through in your joy. You are responsible to display the truest form of a positive thinker, one who is grounded in the purposes of God, willing to journey where he would have you, and looking for those you can love.  

More than anything, remember what Paul says in Phil 4:5 to let your gentleness be evident to all.  I really struggle with this but God is working on me.  Sometimes the most gentle thing you can do is listen to people with these thought processes, get to know them as people and say small things as to where YOUR hope is now and then.  Remember how bright an angel of light can be.  It looks totally good to them, it looks like the truth.  You may not be able to talk them out of it, you may only be able to show them the real truth that exposes their counterfeit thinking. So, be gentle little positive people.  One definition of positive is to be "fully assured".  One who is truly, fully assured in life has a foundation bigger than themselves or what life throws their way.  In time, as you pray for people, trust God to show them that their assurance is not full.  They have to see that from seeing fullness in you.  Don't expect them to just believe what you say.  Be patient and gentle...and fully assured.